Complete Inline Systems versus Stand Alone Packaging Machinery
While a complete turnkey, automatic inline packaging system will usually help any packager meet their production demands, the truth is that there are some situations where it is just not feasible. For some packagers, a complete system may simply be overkill where production demands are low to medium numbers or market is local or regional. For others, especially those companies just starting out, the budget necessary for a complete, automated packaging system may be overly burdensome. These packagers may opt to automate one machine at a time until achieving a completely automatic line. Whichever path is taken, numerous options exist to improve efficiency, consistency and reliability.
In line packaging systems will be designed and built to meet the specific project at hand, which means different lines will include different equipment. A complete system may be made up of nothing more than a liquid filler and two turntables for loading and accumulating bottles. Alternatively, it may include a machine for everything from unscrambling bottles to cleaning, filling, capping, labeling and coding bottles to packing equipment such as palletizers and pallet wrappers. Liquid Packaging Solutions provides complete turnkey solutions by combining the equipment manufactured at the LaPorte, Indiana plant with the equipment of other industry manufacturers to find the ideal solution for each individual packager. Finding, designing, building and integrating the right equipment for the job makes the system complete, regardless of the number of individual machines that might entail.
For some packagers, the process of preparing a product for the shelf may benefit from the simple addition of one packaging machine, to take care of one component of the process, such as filling, capping or labeling. For instance, small bottles may be difficult to fill by hand from a bulk source, or consistent fills may be necessary but hard to achieve with a hand fill. In this case, the packager may choose to purchase an automatic or semi-automatic filling machine, allowing that single component of the packaging process to be completely more efficiently. In other cases, capping or labeling may be tricky or time consuming based on the bottle, closure or label being used for the project.
Other packagers may simply want to conserve cash flow and balance the packaging system against other ongoing business concerns. A packager may start with an automatic filling machine in year one and automate other components as production, and profit, grow. Year two may see a capper, followed by a labeler the next year. Eventually, the machinery can be combined using a power conveyor system to form that automated system from beginning to end.
Of course, other options exist in between the two descibed above. Some packagers may start with tabletop machinery to meet production demands even if automated equipment is in the budget. Once sales of the product warrant an upgrade, the automatic equipment can be purchased. Each solution for packagers will depend on the individual needs and desires of the unique packager. For assistance in finding the ideal system for your own packaging needs, contact a Packaging Specialist at LPS today.