
Filling Machine Replacement Parts - Nozzles

The key to filling different bottle shapes and sizes, with different openings, is finding the right nozzle to consistently and efficiently do the job! The product being filled can also play a part in selecting the correct component for the project. Filling nozzles come in all shapes and sizes and are arguably a machine within a machine. Knowing the components of your filling nozzle and which replacement parts to keep on hand can help to maximize production while avoiding downtime or reduced time on the liquid filler.

Most filling machines can continue to run even if one or more of the fill heads have an issue. On automatic machines, for example, the PLC will typically allow individual fill heads to be turned on and off. However, when working with a one or two head filler, this option does not offer much help. Having spare parts on the shelf for your specific nozzle type means components can quickly be changed out and the machine can run at full capacity. Of course, different bottle fillers use different nozzles, meaning different components will be necessary to keep on hand.

Overflow fillers use special nozzles that cover the bottle opening during the filling process. The fill head has a nozzle seal, spring, spacers and several O-rings that allow the fill to take place. Any of these items can need replacement, and the nozzle will not function properly without any one of them. Some packagers choose to keep complete, additional fill heads on hand, allowing for quick replacement while new components are obtained. Other packagers simply keep a number of each of the components on hand for replacement.

Other filling machines, such as gravity fillers, may use fill heads that include a ball valve and actuator that work to open and close the nozzle. Nozzle tips can consist of stainless nozzles, plastic tips or many other options. Again, a packager may order a complete nozzle with all components or may keep actuators, ball valves and other wear parts on the shelf for replacement. When custom nozzles are manufactured for a job, using special material, lengths or other specs, Liquid Packaging Solutions actually suggests keeping at least one extra custom nozzle from the outset.

Of course, LPS keeps all of these components on the shelf at our plant, ready to be shipped when needed. The holiday season can mean increased workloads and production output for many packagers, making it a good time to take a moment to ensure your own shelf is ready for increased work. The LPS Parts Department can be reached Toll Free at 1-888-393-3693 or by emailing Tonya at