
Packaging Line Advantages - Capping Machines

Adding a capping machine to any packaging line will likely speed up the process of sealing bottles, but this is not the only advantage gained by automating the process. Capping machines also offer advantages such as reliability, consistency, and even safety, when compared to manually preparing bottles.

Though capping machinery will differ in form based on the type of closures being applied, each type of capping machine offers similar benefits over using manual labor to seal containers. Whether using spindle cappers or chuck cappers to tighten continuous thread caps, ROPP capping machines to secure tamper evident tin blanks, or corking machines to secure distilled spirits and similar products, the speed with which the capping process is completed is likely to increase with automation. Cap delivery systems on automatic machinery remove the need for manual labor to place caps on each bottle. Once closures are automatically placed, the machine will screw-on, snap-on, press in or otherwise seal the containers, again without the need for manual labor to interact with each bottle.

At Liquid Packaging Solutions, we also produce cost-effective semi-automatic capping equipment. In most cases, even semi-automatic machinery will increase the output of the capping process, but semi-automatic machines require operator attention to the caps and bottles with each cycle run. Even where the increase in speed is slight with semi-automatic solutions, capping machines offer additional benefits over hand tightening or sealing. From the first bottle and cap run on the machine to the last of the day, bottle cappers are manufactured to reliably seal containers in a consistent manner. Spindle cappers will present a continuous thread cap and tighten that cap using the same efficient process whether the first hour of production or the last hour of a second shift. Capping machines remove the possibility of fatigue, which can lead to loose, under-tightened caps, liquid leaks and other issues.

The reliability and consistency also come with the added benefit of removing repetitive motion work for manual labor. Rather than requiring workers to interact with each bottle and closure, the capping machinery allows the operator to simply replenish bulk caps and monitor the machine. This reduction in repetitive work contributes not only to the consistency of the capping but protects workers from injuries that may occur when constantly tightening or pressing on closures and frees up labor for other tasks.

While the speed of automated capping machines will often be the focus of those searching for a solution, packagers should not ignore the benefits of consistency, reliability and safety offered by these machines. Sealing bottles in the same manner throughout the day with automated equipment keeps employees safe and boosts consumer confidence.