
Packaging Line Necessities for Your Project

Packaging Line Necessities For Your Project

To speak of what is "necessary" on any given packaging line can be somewhat misleading, simply because every packaging project will have unique and specific goals.  In addition, every packager will have their own vision for their own product along with their own plan to achieve that vision.  What is necessary on any given packaging line will be determined not only by production demands, product and bottles or containers, but by the person or persons actually packaging the product.
That being said, many packagers will contact Liquid Packaging Solutions to ask what equipment is necessary for their packaging project.  At LPS, we contribute to that decision by informing packagers of the many different options available for packaging machinery, from simple tabletop systems to completely automatic turnkey lines.  We also strive to answer any questions regarding individual machines or complete systems from the packager.  It is for this reason that the more we know about what you do, the more we can help to find the ideal solution.  But this ideal solution will come from the packaging company, and will almost always be different for everyone, even those with similar projects.
As an example, two companies packaging distilled spirits may use very similar bottles, caps, labels and other packaging components.  Yet one company will end up using an automated packaging system consisting of turntables, power conveyors, container cleaning equipment, a liquid filler, a bartop corker and an automatic wrap labeler, while the other may simply choose a tabletop capping machine and tabletop labeling machine.  So why would two companies with such similar products use such different equipment?
As we noted above, production demand will play a part.  The company with the automatic line may simply have a higher demand to meet than the company with two tabletop machines.  However, other considerations may lead to the same result.  In the distilled spirits industry, many products are hand-crafted, which includes filling and capping each bottle by hand.  Some companies may also want to retain their labor force while increasing production, which can be achieved with tabletop or semi-automatic machinery.  Still others in the distilled spirits industry may only release a limited amount of product, or a limited number of bottles, which keeps production low even if demand is high.  Different industries will reveal different motivations for the way a product is packaged.  By learning of the goals of the company, the motivation behind those goals and the plans for the future, LPS representatives can use years of knowledge to present the best packaging machinery options for the specific project.  
So when asked what is necessary for a packaging line, our clients may be surprised to find that what follows is a series of questions aimed back at the client.  Our Packaging Specialists can discuss filling machines, capping machines and custom equipment all day.  They will speak of speed, bottles per minute, line height, viscosity and more.  But our job begins with learning about you, because while we build equipment, our real job at LPS is to understand our clients, as that is the only way we can build the right equipment.